What's on in Leichhardt

Mother's Day Paint and Sip Studios 2021
Forget the flowers and pick up a brush.Sick and tired of gifting Mum the same bunch of flowers every year for Mother's D...

Easter with Paint and Sip Studios 2021
An Easter Activity That The Entire Family Will Enjoy.Spend some quality time with your family this Easter with an eggs-c...

INDOKids Fest 2021
As part of Inner West's vibrant Multicultural Community-led Celebration Day- INDOKids Fest 2021 will be a family fun day...

Whispering Loudly 2021
International Women's Day panel & drinks with key creatives behind Australia's first all-IWD panel & networking drinks p...

Valentine's Day Paint and Sip 2021
A Valentine's Day Gift Idea Your Partner Will Cherish Spend some quality time with your significant other this Valentine...

The 32nd Alliance Francaise French Film Festival 2021
The Alliance Francaise French Film Festival is back for another year of must-see French cinema which will thrill- enchan...

Long Story Short: Exclusive preview screening 2021
In partnership with Studiocanal Australia- ACA are excited to present a preview screening of upcoming feel-good Aussie r...
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