What's on in Melbourne

Native Floral Ink Painting Art Workshop 2022
This workshop will introduce you to the subtle art of layering, playing with light, darkness and texture, to create stunning backgrounds

Dinosaurs and Fossils for Early Learners 2022
These summer holidays Melbourne Museum brings you dinosaurs and fossils for early learners.

Native Ginger Ink Painting Kids Art Workshop 2022
A small list of materials will be provided to all registrants in advance; morning tea provided.

Melbourne Renegades Super Clinic 2022
The Melbourne Renegades Super Clinic is coming up these school holidays, for children aged 7-10 years.

Your Sistas February Soiree 2022
We bring the amazing women of Melbourne together in beautiful surroundings for intimate, vibrant, thought-provoking and meaningful conversations, all over a delicious, shared meal.

VIDA Melbourne Latin Summer Festival 2022
This free event celebrates life enjoy an authentic paella while drinking a margarita and dancing to Latin rhythms under the sky.

Shaun the Sheep's Circus Show 2022
Everyone's favourite sheep takes over the iconic Sidney Myer Music Bowl stage this summer
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