What's on in Melbourne

Worlds Immersive at Melbourne Museum 2021
Worlds Immersive is a 5-minute cinematic journey from the origin of the universe- through the building blocks of nature-...

She-Oak and Sunlight: Australian Impressionism 2021
She-Oak and Sunlight: Australian Impressionism is a large-scale exhibition of more than 250 artworks drawn from major pu...

Winter Night Market 2021
Winter is coming and so is the Winter Night Market!The Winter Night Market is back at Queen Victoria Market every Wednes...

YIRRAMBOI Festival 2021
YIRRAMBOI is Australia's premier First Nations arts and cultural festival. Every two years- YIRRAMBOI Festival fills the...

Crumbs 2021
Frankie has built a wondrous world- which she wants so dearly to share with her neighbour Ash. She soon realises that As...

Wood Wide Web: Making 2021
In this New Ideas Lab workshop- explore the world beneath your feet and imagine how trees communicate with each other. P...

Rising 2021
The RISING festival is a surge of art- music- performance and ceremony in the heart of Melbourne. Ambitious in scale an...
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