New Farm
What's on in New Farm

Sarah Wilson - The Wild and Precious Tour 2022
Sarah Wilson- one of Australia's most celebrated and recognised authors- is embarking on a book club-style Big Conversa..."

Queerstories 2021
There's more to being queer than coming out and getting married. Queerstories returns with a stellar line up including S...

The Bug Concert - The Weeping Willows - Michael Fix & Mark Cryle 2021
Welcome to Brisbane Unplugged Gigs! Bring your instruments and your voices! The blackboard segment will be first in firs...

Brisbane Comedy Festival 2021
Brisbane Comedy Festival returns in 2021, bursting at the seams to host a hand-picked selection of the funniest folk in the country.

MELT Festival of Queer Arts and Culture 2021
MELT: Festival of Queer Arts and Culture raises the curtain on another program of spectacular events

Flock 2020
Using art to transform waste- a hovering line of birds flies across the Performance Lawn towards the river- a hopeful re...
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