What's on in Newtown

Open Mic Sundays 2021
Each act comprises 3-4 songs-compositions. A good opportunity for artists to practice their talent in front of an audien...

Picnic One Night Stand - jitwam 2021
Our next One Night Stand guest is a psychedelic soul-savant. A DJ- live performer and label head- he is known for fusing...

Picnic One Night Stand - Sleep D 2021
Ringing in one of our favourite Melbourne music cult icons- Sleep D are coming in hot to take over our One Night Stand!S...

Vive La Revolution - French Retro Film Festival 2021
Sacre bleu! From Francois Truffaut to Jean-Pierre Jeunet- Dendy presents a magnifique curation of essential classic Fren...

Avalanche w Big Red Fire Truck & Kontrasto @ Kelly's On King 2021
Kelly's On King presents Avalanche with Big Red Fire truck and Kontrasto- supported by our mates at Young Henrys.West Sy...

La Vie en Rose: 35mm Screening 2021
The reel celluloid film experience is back at Dendy Newtown! Enjoy our glorious 35mm presentation of true cinema - from ...

Knit for Love 2021
We have a new group of knitters who meet every Wednesday from 2:15pm - 3:45pm.Join us for the company and the fun! Come ...
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