
What's on in Newtown

Be the FIRST to see this compelling new documentary at our Q&A preview - with Pro Surfer Jodie Cooper and filmmakers Chr...


Girls Can't Surf: Q&A Preview Screening 2021

Be the FIRST to see this compelling new documentary at our Q&A preview - with Pro Surfer Jodie Cooper and filmmakers Chr...

In-demand guitarist Hilary Geddes premieres a new work Upstream- Down River- commissioned by TURA New Music's No Borders...


Hilary Geddes' Upstream- Down River Premiere 2021

In-demand guitarist Hilary Geddes premieres a new work Upstream- Down River- commissioned by TURA New Music's No Borders...

An exciting evening of pure flamenco and dance with Diana Reyes Flamenco Dance Company and musicians in an intimate venu...


El Camino Nuevo: Flamenco 2021

An exciting evening of pure flamenco and dance with Diana Reyes Flamenco Dance Company and musicians in an intimate venu...

Reel Bubs are Dendy Newtown screenings that are tailored to meet the needs of parents and carers including dimmed lights...


Reel Bubs Screenings 2021

Reel Bubs are Dendy Newtown screenings that are tailored to meet the needs of parents and carers including dimmed lights...

Jump into hyperspace and join us for an intergalactic adventure in this epic marathon.Watch all three original STAR WARS...


Star Wars: The Original Trilogy Marathon 2021

Jump into hyperspace and join us for an intergalactic adventure in this epic marathon.Watch all three original STAR WARS...

5 week course (attend in person or attend online) offering different topics each week.Applying the timeless wisdom of Ti...


Finding peace every day 2021

5 week course (attend in person or attend online) offering different topics each week.Applying the timeless wisdom of Ti...

Our first concert for 2021 will be given on Sunday 21 February- commencing at 2:30pm. Following on from our successful N...


The Bourbaki Ensemble: Shaking & Trembling 2021

Our first concert for 2021 will be given on Sunday 21 February- commencing at 2:30pm. Following on from our successful N...

It is with great pleasure that Eden and the Willow presents Clementine Belle McIntosh - Canvas Works- the artist's first...


Clementine Belle McIntosh: Canvas Works 2021

It is with great pleasure that Eden and the Willow presents Clementine Belle McIntosh - Canvas Works- the artist's first...

Join us for a special Zoom Q&A panel screening of Wild Things!Wild Things spends a year on the frontline with environmen...


Wild Things: Zoom Q&A Screening 2021

Join us for a special Zoom Q&A panel screening of Wild Things!Wild Things spends a year on the frontline with environmen...


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