
What's on in Newtown

Glenfiddich, the World's Most Awarded Single Malt Scotch Whisky, has unveiled a masterpiece paying homage to Japanese cu...


The magical fusion of Scottish and Japanese heritage 2023

Glenfiddich, the World's Most Awarded Single Malt Scotch Whisky, has unveiled a masterpiece paying homage to Japanese cu...

New Moves is a fun, gentle, mixed-method movement class specifically designed for the mature female body. New Moves addr...


New Moves 2023

New Moves is a fun, gentle, mixed-method movement class specifically designed for the mature female body. New Moves addr...

DRAW Space, an independent artist-run space, provides a unique opportunity for artists to engage in new drawing research...


Texta group show at Draw Space 2023

DRAW Space, an independent artist-run space, provides a unique opportunity for artists to engage in new drawing research...

Join us at Dendy Newtown for our limited screenings of A Little Life from October 7.A Little Life follows four college f...


A Little Life - Limited Screenings 2023

Join us at Dendy Newtown for our limited screenings of A Little Life from October 7.A Little Life follows four college f...

The Sydney Teapot Show has been an annual event for the past 31 years. A competition and exhibition with the aim to chal...


The Sydney Teapot Show 2023

The Sydney Teapot Show has been an annual event for the past 31 years. A competition and exhibition with the aim to chal...

Join a magical journey through the iconic songs of Disney's princesses and queens - all performed by acclaimed Broadway ...


Disney Princess - The Concert 2023

Join a magical journey through the iconic songs of Disney's princesses and queens - all performed by acclaimed Broadway ...

The Entropy exhibition comprises of paintings and small sculptures which pertain to aspects of collapse and transition. ...


Entropy Exhibition - Luna Gallery 2023

The Entropy exhibition comprises of paintings and small sculptures which pertain to aspects of collapse and transition. ...

We invite you to spend five days immersing yourself in the Tibetan Buddhist wisdom tradition.Join us in our temple by th...


Finding inner peace and contentment 2023

We invite you to spend five days immersing yourself in the Tibetan Buddhist wisdom tradition.Join us in our temple by th...

The reel celluloid film experience is back in 2023 at Dendy Newtown with 35mm screenings on the big screen as part of ou...


Celluloid Dreams at Dendy Newtown 2023

The reel celluloid film experience is back in 2023 at Dendy Newtown with 35mm screenings on the big screen as part of ou...


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