The Rocks
What's on in The Rocks

Making time with Kelly Dolly 2022
Making Time is a free workshop series for young people aged 12-21 featuring contemporary Australian artists. Curated by ...

Shambolic Doodles - Sydney Fringe Sideshow Festival Comedy 2022
Have you taken a good, long hard look at the world and still have no idea what's going on?Have you contemplated the BIG ...

Rose by the Harbour - CANCELLED 2022
We always want to deliver the best possible event experience for you, with rose best paired with sunshine rather than ra...

Hot Chick / Tired Mum - Sydney Fringe Sideshow Comedy Show 2022
A dark and glittering comedy debut hour, 5 years in the making.Have you ever felt that you were supposed to be something...

Secret Comedy Club Sunday Sessions - Sydney Fringe Sideshow 2022
Sundays are for relaxing and making the most of your weekend.Come and enjoy one of Sydney's most popular stand-up comedy...

Absolute Goose - Sydney Fringe Sideshow Festival Comedy 2022
Bec Melrose is an absolute goose and she reckons it's pretty great.Join award-winning comedian and writer Bec Melrose fo...

Shank yourself thin - Sydney Fringe Sideshow Festival 2022
Weight loss surgery is a huge decision. It's scary, it's daunting. It's also hilarious. Rob Andrews takes you step by st...
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