What's on in Ultimo

Forms and case management help in Mandarin and Hokkien 2023
Get help from Chinese Australian Services Society (CASS) trained volunteers and caseworkers to complete forms and applic...

BlakPowerhouse Late: WAW 2023
We Are Warriors is an Indigenous social enterprise, dedicated to celebrating Blak excellence and empowering Indigenous y...

100 Climate Conversations: Alana Mann 2023
Exploitation of the environment, farmers and food workers has placed our global food systems under pressure. Food activi...

Back To Funk Good Party 2023
Back To Funk is throwing a very special party in Sydney's most interesting and exciting new DIY space as part of the Goo...

The catholics 2023
This one features another never-before-seen combination - The catholics welcome back founding member, the incredible San...

Torrens University and Billy Blue College of Design Open Day 2023
We're here to help you turn your dream into your career.At their Ultimo campus you'll be able to learn more about our De...

Andrew Dickeson's 'The Future Today' 2023
Drummer, bandleader, and educator Andrew Dickeson's group features two of Sydney's finest young jazz stars - saxophonist...
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