
What's on in Ultimo

As one 'unprecedented' disaster after another strikes our communities, we are struggling to see how we can manage this s...


Flood, Fire, Plague 2022

As one 'unprecedented' disaster after another strikes our communities, we are struggling to see how we can manage this s...

Join our celebration of Sydney's LGBTQIA+ history and explore the lineage from the original Mardi Gras 78ers to now, bef...


Powerhouse Late x Vivid Ideas: Queer Sydney 2022

Join our celebration of Sydney's LGBTQIA+ history and explore the lineage from the original Mardi Gras 78ers to now, bef...

The night will end with a little 'Disco Conversion Therapy' and a big ol' party.Join dance floor anthropologist, Aunty J...


Powerhouse Late: Queer Sydney 2022

The night will end with a little 'Disco Conversion Therapy' and a big ol' party.Join dance floor anthropologist, Aunty J...

It's been over 40 years since the Apollo mission landed a man on the moon. As dramatised in the iconic Australian film T...


Sydney in Space 2022

It's been over 40 years since the Apollo mission landed a man on the moon. As dramatised in the iconic Australian film T...

Social researcher Rebecca Huntley thinks we need thousands of everyday conversations about climate change with our frien...


100 Climate Conversations: Rebecca Huntley 2022

Social researcher Rebecca Huntley thinks we need thousands of everyday conversations about climate change with our frien...

Join designer and maker Alison Page along with architects Kevin O'Brien, Jefa Greenaway and Craig Kerslake for an insigh...


Designing with Country 2022

Join designer and maker Alison Page along with architects Kevin O'Brien, Jefa Greenaway and Craig Kerslake for an insigh...

Blakey and Blue Note - the Hard Bop Legacy'Drummer/bandleader Andrew Dickeson presents a night of hard-swinging, foot-t...


The Hard Bop Legacy 2022

Blakey and Blue Note - the Hard Bop Legacy'Drummer/bandleader Andrew Dickeson presents a night of hard-swinging, foot-t...

The emerging innovation district Tech Central will 'create the biggest technology hub of its kind in Australia, expand S...


Tech Central - home of social and innovation mavericks 2022

The emerging innovation district Tech Central will 'create the biggest technology hub of its kind in Australia, expand S...

On 4 January 2020, the temperature in Penrith hit 48.9°C - the highest ever recorded in Greater Sydney. In the next deca...


100 Climate Conversation Sebastian Pfautsch:Urban adaptation 2022

On 4 January 2020, the temperature in Penrith hit 48.9°C - the highest ever recorded in Greater Sydney. In the next deca...


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