What's on in Ultimo

100 Climate Conversations Bruce Pascoe: Nourishing Country 2022
Bruce Pascoe looks to how traditional knowledge and cultivation of Indigenous crops might foster a revitalised relations...

100 Climate Conversations: Sebastian Pfautsch 2022
On 4 January 2020, the temperature in Penrith hit 48.9°C, the highest ever recorded in Greater Sydney. In the next decad...

100 climate sconversations: Bruce Pascoe 2022
Bruce Pascoe looks to how traditional knowledge and cultivation of Indigenous crops might foster a revitalised relations...

Death To Brainstorms 2022
There are very few things in our lives that have remain unchanged for 80 years, but creative brainstorms in the workplac...

Powerhouse Late x Vivid Ideas: Ballroom & the West Ball 2022
In the lead up to West Ball 3, artists Jamaica Moana and Father Xander Silky bring the essence of ballroom to the Powerh...

Powerhouse late: Ballroom and the west ball 2022
In the lead up to West Ball 3, artists Jamaica Moana and Father Xander Silky bring the essence of ballroom to the Powerh...

Fashion's Flash: Back to the Future at Vivid Ideas Exchange 2022
Join podcaster and stylist Madeleine Park for a modern fashion parade using repurposed materials, followed by an expert ...
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