What's on in Ultimo

LaHi + The Diks 2021
A sparkly fusion of jazz- invigorated with a funky groove to get you moving- you will be captivated by the sheer presenc...

Alice Terry 2021
Alice Terry effortlessly combines the best parts of folk- jazz- and blues- and lays it all on the stage for her audience...

Andrew Robertson Quintet 2021
Launching Andrew Robertson's first album as leader - 'Our Man In Moss Vale'. Featuring the top shelf swinging rhythm sec...

Rhythm is Life 2021
Dance really is for every BODY.At Heartdancers- we believe that everyone should have access to the life-changing health ...

Serafina 2021
Brazilian beats for your heart and feet - Bossa Nova- Samba- Choro and Beyond.'If this isn't the sounds of Summer I don'...

The catholics 30th Anniversary 2021
Formed by bassist and composer Lloyd Swanton in 1991- this distinct and beloved local ensemble has formed a body of beau...

Australia-China: reflections and projections 2021
This is a hybrid in-person-livestreamed event. Please note that social distancing requirements and other health precauti...
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