when: 01 - 29 February 2024 | venue: Online | cost: Free | address: See event description for details on how to connect. | tickets: https://www.breastcancertrials.org.au/57km-dog-walk-challenge/
published: 23 Jan 2024, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
This February, Breast Cancer Trials, AUNZ's largest oncology research group, is inviting all dog lovers to em-bark on a 'pawsome' dog walking challenge. With 57 people diagnosed with breast cancer every day in Australia, the goal is to walk 57 kms throughout the month to raise money for crucial breast cancer research.
Join them for a 'pawsome' challenge to with your furry friend to support life-saving breast cancer research and save lives. They would love for you to join the movement, sign up below and together let's get moving for breast cancer research!
Because together, we want to see a world where no more lives are cut short by breast cancer.
Content from UpNext.com.au. Please don't scrape website.
This February, Breast Cancer Trials, AUNZ's largest oncology research group, is inviting all dog lovers to em-bark on a 'pawsome' dog walking challenge. With 57 people diagnosed with breast cancer every day in Australia, the goal is to walk 57 kms throughout the month to raise money for crucial breast cancer research.
Join them for a 'pawsome' challenge to with your furry friend to support life-saving breast cancer research and save lives. They would love for you to join the movement, sign up below and together let's get moving for breast cancer research!
Because together, we want to see a world where no more lives are cut short by breast cancer.
Go see 57km Dog walk challenge for breast cancer research 2024.
57km Dog walk challenge for breast cancer research 2024 is on 01 - 29 February 2024. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney.
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