when: 29 July 2020 - 31 August 2020 | venue: online | cost: free
published: 20 Jul 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Explore a calendar of online programs and connect with the State Library from home.
You've listened to The Garret podcast, now join for the new weekly Afternoon Tea and Talk series with Garret host
Astrid Edwards, featuring writers and authors discussing their craft.
Previous episodes have featured Christos Tsiolkas, Jennifer Mills and the 2020 Stella Prize winner, Jess Hill - tune in to find out who will be next.
Content from UpNext.com.au. Please don't scrape website.
Explore a calendar of online programs and connect with the State Library from home.
You've listened to The Garret podcast, now join for the new weekly Afternoon Tea and Talk series with Garret host
Astrid Edwards, featuring writers and authors discussing their craft.
Previous episodes have featured Christos Tsiolkas, Jennifer Mills and the 2020 Stella Prize winner, Jess Hill - tune in to find out who will be next.
Go see Afternoon Tea and Talk 2020.
Afternoon Tea and Talk 2020 is on 29 July 2020 - 31 August 2020. The opening hours are: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Conveniently located in Melbourne.
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