Better conversations 2021

when: 17 May 2021 | | cost: Adult: $10 | address: Bay St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia | website: | tickets:

published: 08 May 2021, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Join us at the Glebe Hotel if you're a bit tired of talking about the weather or what you did on the weekend then join us - we get together to discuss how to enjoy more meaningful, deeper conversations.

This week - How can we have funnier conversations?

'I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.' ― Maya Angelou

We'll look at how humour bonds us together in conversation. From telling jokes to just being silly, what can we do to bring more humour into to how we connect? How do we laugh with others without laughing at them? When should we be funny and when should we resist? And what the heck is 'funny' anyway?

We'll break up our time into a facilitated discussion on the topic, do 1-2 short exercises around humour, then have guided small groups conversations to get to know each other better.

Order a meal or a drink and come upstairs to the super cool art space and get to know your inner west neighbours.

Go see Better conversations 2021.

Better conversations 2021 | What's on in Ultimo

Better conversations 2021 is on 17 May 2021. The opening hours are: Monday 17 May from 7pm to 9pm. Conveniently located in Ultimo. Call 0424 141 620 for details. Visit their website at

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