when: 06 April 2019 - 01 February 2020 | venue: Didgeridoo Festivals HQ | cost: Free | address: 10 Lorikeet Lane, Augustine Heights | website: https://www.didgeridoofestivals.com/
published: 21 Jan 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Every first Saturday night of the month from 7pm to 10pm they have their free Didgeridoo Jam at Didgeridoo Festivals HQ in Bellbird Park in Queensland. The jam is outdoors on their bush stage. Come in and have a jam or bring a blanket and relax, kick back and listen to a mix of instruments combined with the Didgeridoo. They are a Didgeridoo community with a unique gathering of instruments surrounded by gum trees and friendly wildlife.
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Every first Saturday night of the month from 7pm to 10pm they have their free Didgeridoo Jam at Didgeridoo Festivals HQ in Bellbird Park in Queensland. The jam is outdoors on their bush stage. Come in and have a jam or bring a blanket and relax, kick back and listen to a mix of instruments combined with the Didgeridoo. They are a Didgeridoo community with a unique gathering of instruments surrounded by gum trees and friendly wildlife.
Go see Didgeridoo Jam Brisbane.
Didgeridoo Jam Brisbane is on 06 April 2019 - 01 February 2020. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Augustine Heights. Call 0428 988 959 for details. Visit their website at https://www.didgeridoofestivals.com/.
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