Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023

when: 06 February 2023 | | cost: Adult: $88 | address: 23 Blair St Bondi Beach NSW 2026 Australia | website: https://www.lifeinconfidence.com | tickets: https://www.lifeinconfidence.com/pastlifetraumaceremonysalesform

published: 06 Feb 2023, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


'That was so amazing! Thank you so much, you held the space so beautifully. It was just what I needed, I had a lot of emotion coming up recently, love the practice and move through that and definitely feel some release and shifts.' Alisha Faye, AUS

Do you feel that, no matter how many years of shadow work you've done, there are certain aspects of your life that aren't really moving forward?

Perhaps you've attracted a twin flame experience, a particular person in your life that you have a soul contract with or karma being circulated back in this lifetime that's playing havoc with your identity?

Maybe you feel persecuted for your existence or you feel something is missing in your life but can't quite put your finger on it.

You and I are multi-dimensional beings living out multiple timelines simultaneously, past, present and future. Why? Time isn't linear because we not only live in this physical body and in this physical world, we also live in the quantum field in other multi-dimensional realities, such as dream time, where it's easier to see entities, deceased family members and other beings, manifesting in meditation where you're actually being teleported to a higher timeline or a past life regression where you go into a trance state to tap into your past lives.

Past life trauma clearing has helped me access multiple versions of me where I was a French farmer who murdered his wife and children, a French fashion journalist who lived a lonely and meaningless life as a spinster who struggled to keep her heart open to men, a European mother who was running away with her little girl from being killed and the earliest one I could access was the alien invasion in Egypt where I was killed and harvested for my energy through my solar plexus.

What if you knew if you were able to access these past life experiences of trauma and karma to show you what patterns that need to be cleared in this lifetime?

Are you ready to dissolve your past life trauma so you can live a life with far more ease, grace and flow?

The Experience...

🌟Past Life Trauma Clearing: Go on a journey to start dissolving past life traumatic timelines and karma through quantum timeline healing, light language, star magic and sound therapy with hands-on touch to bring energetic alignment and healing to certain parts of your body.

🌟Sacred Sharing Circle: Feel safe and supported in a group dynamic with a heartcentered mentor and like-minded people as you share yourself with the tribe to integrate, followed by a personalised card reading and intuitive insights with next steps moving forward.

🌟Nutritious Gluten-Free Vegan Dinner: Be nourished and nurtured with a hearty and wholesome plant-based dinner infused with high frequencies and herbal tea to keep you in your heart space and grounded after the activation.

Can't make it live? You might be keen on plugging your ears to my Past Life Trauma Clearing Audio!

Go see Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023.

Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023 | What's on in Bondi Beach

Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023 is on 06 February 2023. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Bondi Beach. Call 0424 181 494 for details. Visit their website at https://www.lifeinconfidence.com.

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Event Details

what: Full Moon Past Life Trauma Clearing Ceremony 2023
when: 06 February 2023
phone: 0424 181 494
city/suburb: Bondi Beach NSW

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