Isewlation Free Online Sewing Classes 2020

when: 08 - 29 August 2020 | venue: Online | cost: free | website:

published: 06 Aug 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Details about each session and a list of materials will be posted underneath the DISCUSSION tab on this page or can be viewed on our website: Watch 'live' on Facebook at 3pm starting Saturday 8 August, or watch the instructional video's (again) later: Jenn is happy to answer questions on this page and participants are encouraged to upload their finished work after each session for others to admire.

In these fun, free online classes Jennifer - former GE resident and owner, will guide you through the construction of an awesome collection of practical and beautiful homely items. Includes tips and advice on the best construction and recycling techniques. Bring your creativity and once you start you will want to keep sewing!

If you don't have a sewing machine then try and borrow one from a friend or family member, otherwise if you decide to buy one then it's a great investment and handy to have for simple projects and repairs. Please take care while using a sewing machine and any of the materials and tools. Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused as a result of your use of the iSEWlation series.

Please read the following terms and conditions prior to participating in these online art sessions:

A recording of these online sessions will be published on Council's Arts and Culture Facebook page ( Please feel free to share, like, or leave a comment. You will also be invited to share any artwork you have created after watching the online class on Council's Arts and Culture Facebook page.

If you do choose to comment or upload any work, please be mindful of the following:

1. Council's Facebook page is a public platform and your name and work will be publicly available for everyone to see.

2. Council may also include images of work and comments in future Council Gallery online exhibitions or special projects at some stage in the future. You consent to such use of your work and comments at no fee to Council. Council will acknowledge the creator of the artwork using the details on the relevant Facebook comment. If you would like to be acknowledged then please include your first name, otherwise Council will use the name of the person who leaves the comment.

3. If you do not wish for your work or comment to be used for any Council gallery online exhibitions or special projects, or if you would like the creator of the work to be acknowledged in another way, please contact

Please also be mindful that you will be participating in the Series using third party services and platforms including Zoom, Youtube and Facebook, and your participation is subject to any relevant terms and conditions or usage guidelines for these services and platforms. Council has limited control over the functionality of these services, or how information is used and shared on these platforms. Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage caused by misuse of any third party service or platform used to conduct the Series.

Go see Isewlation Free Online Sewing Classes 2020.

Isewlation Free Online Sewing Classes 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

Isewlation Free Online Sewing Classes 2020 is on 08 - 29 August 2020. The opening hours are: 3 pm Saturday. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Isewlation Free Online Sewing Classes 2020
when: 08 - 29 August 2020
start time/end time: 3 pm Saturday
venue: Online
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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