Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Disappointments Zoom Cast 2020

when: 09 August 2020 - 20 September 2020 | venue: Online | cost: $15-$100 | website: https://comedy.com.au/tour/disappointments-zoomcast/

published: 01 Aug 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


In 2017 Judith Lucy and Denise Scott premiered their new show Disappointments at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Now, we can't remember all the ins and outs of 2017, but we still think it's fair to say it was significantly less disappointing than 2020.

With the comedians realising the show had never been more pertinent, they've brought it back for the time of isolation. Disappointments Zoom Cast brings Lucy and Scott back to the (virtual) stage to talk about brand new disappoinments, of which I'm sure they (like all of us) have many.

Every Sunday for eight weeks, Lucy and Scott will be sitting down in front of their respective screens to talk about what's been disappointing them recently. Presumably, there will also be some comedic sensibilities thrown into the mix, lest this just be a form of subsidised group therapy. 

There will also be opportunities for audience involvement. Tickets start at $15 for solo, single-episode viewers, and go up to $100 for a full season pass

Go see Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Disappointments Zoom Cast 2020.

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Disappointments Zoom Cast 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Disappointments Zoom Cast 2020 is on 09 August 2020 - 20 September 2020. The opening hours are: Every Sunday at 5pm. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at https://comedy.com.au/tour/disappointments-zoomcast/.

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Event Details

what: Judith Lucy and Denise Scott Disappointments Zoom Cast 2020
when: 09 August 2020 - 20 September 2020
start time/end time: Every Sunday at 5pm
venue: Online
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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