Learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne this May with Dave O'Neil 2020

when: 24 - 28 May 2020 | venue: Online Event | cost: $495 - $880 | address: South Yarra, VIC | website: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/learn-stand-up-comedy-in-melbourne-this-may-with-dave-oneil-tickets-77701803185 | tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/learn-stand-up-comedy-in-melbourne-this-may-with-dave-oneil-tickets-77701803185

published: 21 May 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Learn stand-up comedy over 5-evenings from Sunday to Thursday, 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm, from May 24 to 28, 2020. You'll get the SHKK comedy manual, our complementary online course, video of your graduating performance, and lots of coaching from our resident comedy coach, Brad Oakes, guest comedian, Dave O'Neil, and returning alumnus, Ellen Mahoney.

Pre-Course: Online course access

Access the entire content on your phone or PC ahead of the course. This online course includes videos, activities and discussion to ensure you don't feel like a noob on day 1. Learn more, by clicking here.

Day 1: Sunday - The Basics, Finding Yourself, Joke Structure and Preparation

Introduction to the basics of stand-up comedy and the jargon of the comedic industry before launching into the deep end with your very own mini set. Then, it's time to learn the 'Normal-Normal-Twist' technique and get your creative juices flowing!

Day 2: Monday - Generating Content and Building Confidence

Learn to gauge your audience and how to recognise and manage taboo topics while learning confidence building/fear smashing techniques. You'll also get input on your set from our guest comedian.

Day 3: Tuesday - Delivery and Controlling a Room

Learn to write a strong open to your comedy set. Tonight students will also have the opportunity to refine some of their own writing, and learn about the open mic circuit, the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and life after graduation with the returning alumnus. You'll also learn how to deal with a heckler.

Day 4: Wednesday - The Close and Graduation Preparation

Closing your set strong is this night's goal, as well as putting the extra polish on tomorrow night's graduation performance.

Day 5: Thursday - Graduation Night and Performance

The moment you have been working toward! Perform your stand-up comedy routine in front of family and friends, conquer your fears and perform alongside three professional stand-up comedians. Watch previous graduation videos by clicking here.

Post Course: Punchlines Comedy Club and Festivals

Graduates of the School of Hard Knock Knocks also get the opportunity to be paid to perform at the School of Hard Knock Knocks' own comedy room, Punchlines Comedy Club. What's more, the school produces shows at the Adelaide Fringe Festival and Melbourne International Comedy Festival, as part of 'The Best Of' show. Be part of a life changing experience AND get paid in the process!

Go see Learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne this May with Dave O'Neil 2020.

Learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne this May with Dave O'Neil 2020 | What's on in South Yarra

Learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne this May with Dave O'Neil 2020 is on 24 - 28 May 2020. The opening hours are: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Conveniently located in South Yarra. Visit their website at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/learn-stand-up-comedy-in-melbourne-this-may-with-dave-oneil-tickets-77701803185.

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Event Details

what: Learn stand-up comedy in Melbourne this May with Dave O'Neil 2020
when: 24 - 28 May 2020
start time/end time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
venue: Online Event
city/suburb: South Yarra VIC

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