Mini Maestros 2020 - Term 2 Online Classes

when: 13 April 2020 - 20 June 2020 | venue: online | cost: $100-$120 for 10 weeks - starter pack | website:

published: 17 Jun 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Unique times calls for unique measures and Mini Maestros are providing an online solution that helps maintain the norm with routine, while having fun learning. For mums/dads and kids ages 0-5yrsenrol in your first Mini Maestros online class together for FREE.

Until it's safe to run in-person classes, you just book into a normal class with a local teacher and you'll be sent an online class for each week fo the term. If you're an existing customer, to re-enrol for Term 2, contact your local teacher or respond to the invite to re-enrol that has been emailed to you.

If you're a new customer locate your nearest class online and book in directly or send an enquiry and you'll be contacted. See details HERE. You can look forward to scheduled stream online classes, unlimited replays during each week, age specific, structured and sequential educational program, online learning materials and music downloads or chime bars (posted) according to age group. An Australian music program for pre-school kids, it encourages confident and happy learners while developing speech, listening skills, social skills and physical skillls.

Go see Mini Maestros 2020 - Term 2 Online Classes.

Mini Maestros 2020 - Term 2 Online Classes | What's on in Melbourne

Mini Maestros 2020 - Term 2 Online Classes is on 13 April 2020 - 20 June 2020. The opening hours are: .. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Call (03) 9850 5566 for details. Visit their website at

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Event Details

what: Mini Maestros 2020 - Term 2 Online Classes
when: 13 April 2020 - 20 June 2020
start time/end time: .
venue: online
phone: (03) 9850 5566
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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