when: 20 September 2024 | venue: Multiple | cost: Gold coin donation
published: 19 Sep 2024, 2 min read
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With National Tradies Day happening this Friday 20th September, 12 pubs across Western Sydney are coming together and hosting a community BBQ sausage size to raise month for TIACS (This Is A Conversation Starter) - a free text and call counselling service providing professional and confidential mental health support to Australia's blue-collar workers, including tradies, truckies, farmers, and other labourers.
Big-name venues such as the Crossroads Hotel, The Australian Hotel & Brewery, the Guildford Hotel, Belmore Hotel and Ashfield Hotel will be holding a gold coin donation (or more) sausage sizzle and inviting not only tradies but locals to come down, have a feed, with ALL proceeds going to TIACS, an incredible organisation founded by Dan Allen and Ed Ross.
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With National Tradies Day happening this Friday 20th September, 12 pubs across Western Sydney are coming together and hosting a community BBQ sausage size to raise month for TIACS (This Is A Conversation Starter) - a free text and call counselling service providing professional and confidential mental health support to Australia's blue-collar workers, including tradies, truckies, farmers, and other labourers.
Big-name venues such as the Crossroads Hotel, The Australian Hotel & Brewery, the Guildford Hotel, Belmore Hotel and Ashfield Hotel will be holding a gold coin donation (or more) sausage sizzle and inviting not only tradies but locals to come down, have a feed, with ALL proceeds going to TIACS, an incredible organisation founded by Dan Allen and Ed Ross.
Go see National Tradies Day Fundraiser 2024.

National Tradies Day Fundraiser 2024 is on 20 September 2024. The opening hours are: 12PM - 6PM. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 02 9632 0343 for details.
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