when: 04 January 2023 | venue: Tom Mann Theatre | cost: Adult: $40 | Senior: $36 | address: 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 | website: https://polartsydney.com.au/event/norymberga-nuremberg-teatr-stary/ | tickets: https://polartsydney.com.au/event/norymberga-nuremberg-teatr-stary/
published: 04 Jan 2023, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
The confession of a retired counter-intelligence colonel reveals the real face of the former Polish People's Republic
This event is conducted entirely in Polish.
An ambitious journalist arranges a meeting with a retired counter-intelligence colonel Kolodziej for an interview about his friend from the infantry school colonel Kuklinski. Kolodziej explains to her the paradoxes of socialism and talks about life in that era. The confession of the colonel reveals the real face of the former Polish People's Republic.
Director: Elwira Byrt
Ambitna dziennikarka umawia się z emerytowanym oficerem kontrwywiadu, pułkownikiem Kołodziejem, na wywiad o jego znajomym ze szkoły piechoty płk Kuklinskim. Kołodziej tłumaczy jej paradoksy socjalizmu oraz opowiada o życiu w tamtej epoce. Spowiedź pułkownika odsłania prawdziwe oblicze PRL-u.
Content from UpNext.com.au. Please don't scrape website.
The confession of a retired counter-intelligence colonel reveals the real face of the former Polish People's Republic
This event is conducted entirely in Polish.
An ambitious journalist arranges a meeting with a retired counter-intelligence colonel Kolodziej for an interview about his friend from the infantry school colonel Kuklinski. Kolodziej explains to her the paradoxes of socialism and talks about life in that era. The confession of the colonel reveals the real face of the former Polish People's Republic.
Director: Elwira Byrt
Ambitna dziennikarka umawia się z emerytowanym oficerem kontrwywiadu, pułkownikiem Kołodziejem, na wywiad o jego znajomym ze szkoły piechoty płk Kuklinskim. Kołodziej tłumaczy jej paradoksy socjalizmu oraz opowiada o życiu w tamtej epoce. Spowiedź pułkownika odsłania prawdziwe oblicze PRL-u.
Go see Norymberga (Nuremberg) | Teatr Stary 2023.

Norymberga (Nuremberg) | Teatr Stary 2023 is on 04 January 2023. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Surry Hills. Call 1300 POLSKA for details. Visit their website at https://polartsydney.com.au/event/norymberga-nuremberg-teatr-stary/.
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