Ride Melbourne 2020

when: 09 February 2020 | venue: Ride Melbourne | cost: FREE | address: Birdwood Avenue Melbourne, VIC 3004 Australia | website: https://www.heraldsuntour.com.au/ | tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ride-melbourne-tickets-86618055937

published: 06 Feb 2020, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Ride Melbourne a FREE community cycling event taking place on Sunday February 9 on the closed roads at the final stage of the 2020 Jayco Herald Sun Tour.

This is your exclusive opportunity to ride on the official Jayco Herald Sun Tour Royal Botanic Gardens circuit only hours before the world's best cyclists take centre stage.

Come down and be part of the excitement.

This is the perfect way to enjoy the Jayco Herald Sun Tour, ride around a closed road circuit free from the hustle and bustle of Melbourne's traffic and then sit back and relax as you watch world-class cycling in the final stage of the Tour!

The event will feature an amazing festival hub with live music, Family-friendly activities, cycling safety workshops, education sessions, food vans, a bar and so much more. Come and enjoy an awesome afternoon of cycling in heart of Melbourne with the whole family.

Registration is FREE and open to all ages.

For more information of the 2020 Jayco Herald Sun Tour, visit: www.heraldsuntour.com.au

Go see Ride Melbourne 2020.

Ride Melbourne 2020 | What's on in Melbourne

Ride Melbourne 2020 is on 09 February 2020. The opening hours are: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at https://www.heraldsuntour.com.au/.

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Event Details

what: Ride Melbourne 2020
when: 09 February 2020
start time/end time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
venue: Ride Melbourne
city/suburb: Melbourne VIC

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