when: 08 August 2020 - 12 September 2020 | | cost: $202.88 ($195.00 + $7.88 fees) | address: Ancient Touch Studio, 6 Barriedale Grove, Frankston South, Victoria | website: https://silverclayplay.com/
published: 04 Aug 2020, 5 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
After learning how silverclay is used and its many possibilities in the beginners silver class, you may proceed on to ring making. In this workshop you will design and create your rings in solid fine silver have them fired, polished with patinas and ready to wear home. Everything to create is supplied on the day. Just bring your wonderfully happy faces and get ready to experience a lovely relaxing class where your creativity can come alive. please contact me if you have any questions.
Content from UpNext.com.au. Please don't scrape website.
After learning how silverclay is used and its many possibilities in the beginners silver class, you may proceed on to ring making. In this workshop you will design and create your rings in solid fine silver have them fired, polished with patinas and ready to wear home. Everything to create is supplied on the day. Just bring your wonderfully happy faces and get ready to experience a lovely relaxing class where your creativity can come alive. please contact me if you have any questions.
Go see Silverclay Ring Workshop 2020.

Silverclay Ring Workshop 2020 is on 08 August 2020 - 12 September 2020. The opening hours are: 10:30am-3:30pm. Conveniently located in Melbourne. Visit their website at https://silverclayplay.com/.
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