when: 08 - 11 June 2022 | venue: Riverside Theatres | cost: Adults $59, Concession $55, Groups 8+ $53, School Groups/ Teachers $23 | address: Corner of Church and Market St | website: https://riversideparramatta.com.au/show/ulster-american/
published: 09 May 2022, 2 min read
This showcased event has concluded.
Gleefully skewering the powerful and privileged in post-#MeToo showbiz, the ferocious comedy, Ulster American has audiences laughing and gasping in equal measure.
A talented female playwright, an Oscar-winning actor and an ambitious theatre director meet to discuss a play that promises glory for all. But as lines are crossed and the power of Hollywood looms, the love-in threatens to descend into mayhem.
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Gleefully skewering the powerful and privileged in post-#MeToo showbiz, the ferocious comedy, Ulster American has audiences laughing and gasping in equal measure.
A talented female playwright, an Oscar-winning actor and an ambitious theatre director meet to discuss a play that promises glory for all. But as lines are crossed and the power of Hollywood looms, the love-in threatens to descend into mayhem.
Go see Ulster American 2022.

Ulster American 2022 is on 08 - 11 June 2022. The opening hours are: 9AM to 9:30PM. Conveniently located in Parramatta. Call (02) 8839 3399 for details. Visit their website at https://riversideparramatta.com.au/show/ulster-american/.
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