Upcoming Exhibitions at Gaffa Gallery in May 2022

when: 05 - 16 May 2022 | venue: Gaffa Gallery | cost: Free | address: 281 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | website: https://www.gaffa.com.au/

published: 03 May 2022, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


Gallery 1 I The Falling by Ferney Caro

Gallery 2 I The Seen and the Unseen by Anna Tierney

The Seen and the Unseen a series of paintings, collages, sculptures and installations from my third and second year painting project during my Bachelor of Fine Art at the National Art School. My project is concerned with the Spiritual in Abstract Art, the Sacred Feminine, the Interconnectivity of all things in the Universe, which is a state of consciousness that can be reached through spiritual practices like meditation.‍

Gallery 3 I This Can't Last by Mila Feng, Rachel Feng, Sunnie Cao, Helinda Yu

THIS CAN'T LAST consists of a collection of works that explore the essence of ephemerality and the torment of impermanence. The works '11:11' by Sunnie Cao, 'November' by Helinda Yu, 'Waterfall' by Rachel Feng and 'There Is Only One Sun' by Mila Feng. The works range in a variety of mediums including a VR experience, a series of paintings, a video and a 3 part sculpture. All of these pieces dissect themes regarding the fleetingness of situations in the world around us. Natural elements and forces are all present in each of these works, which reveal the complex relationship we have with the transitory world we inhabit. Although created at the same time, the artists worked separately, exploring themes they found resonated with themselves respectively. Ideas of impermanence, memory and isolation all reside in each work, showing that perhaps as we evolve emotionally as autonomous, independent beings, we do so convergently.

Gallery 4 I ccc by Victoria Loveocchio

The starting point is drawings of locations made from memory. The initial drawings on paper are worked over by erasing, re-working, tearing, folding, overlaying of materials. These processes can be understood as having similarities with quilting or dressmaking. I want these images to have a deliberate 'feminine' or 'handmade' quality. The stitches can be read as literal threads or ties binding the persons to the place and to each other.They are also metaphors for steps taken through the landscape.

Go see Upcoming Exhibitions at Gaffa Gallery in May 2022.

Upcoming Exhibitions at Gaffa Gallery in May 2022 | What's on in Sydney

Upcoming Exhibitions at Gaffa Gallery in May 2022 is on 05 - 16 May 2022. See start and end times below. Conveniently located in Sydney. Call 02 9283 4273 for details. Visit their website at https://www.gaffa.com.au/.

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Event Details

what: Upcoming Exhibitions at Gaffa Gallery in May 2022
when: 05 - 16 May 2022
venue: Gaffa Gallery
phone: 02 9283 4273
city/suburb: Sydney NSW
All start time/end time: Weekdays, 10am to 1pm | Saturdays, 10am to 5pm | Sundays, all day | Thursday 5 May to Monday 16 May | Except Sunday 8 May and | Sunday 15 May

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