WNBL Round 6: UC Capitals v Sydney Flames 2023

when: 08 December 2023 | venue: National Convention Centre Canberra | cost: See event for details | address: 31 Constitution Ave Canberra 2601 | website: https://wnbl.basketball | tickets: https://premier.ticketek.com.au/shows/show.aspx%3Fsh%3DCAPITALS23//?q=eyJ0eXBlIjoiYm9va2luZyIsImRlc3RpbmF0aW9uIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9wcmVtaW

published: 08 Dec 2023, 5 min read

This showcased event has concluded.


The UC Capitals are back at home on Wednesday after five games on the road. Join the 9-time WNBL Champions as they go up against the Sydney Flames at the National Convention Centre Canberra (NCCC).

Sparks will fly as they usually do between these teams, so it's not one to miss. Head to the NCCC and cheer on the Caps!

Go see WNBL Round 6: UC Capitals v Sydney Flames 2023.

WNBL Round 6: UC Capitals v Sydney Flames 2023 | What's on in Canberra

WNBL Round 6: UC Capitals v Sydney Flames 2023 is on 08 December 2023. The opening hours are: See event website for details. Conveniently located in Canberra. Visit their website at https://wnbl.basketball.

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Event Details

what: WNBL Round 6: UC Capitals v Sydney Flames 2023
when: 08 December 2023
start time/end time: See event website for details
venue: National Convention Centre Canberra
city/suburb: Canberra ACT

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