Canberra Events
Canberra has a small town vibe means it's easy to get around and the locals are eager to share the best of their food, wine, beer and attractions. Within the city limits you'll find museums, galleries, breweries and modern architecture, but just minutes away lies the quiet nature of mountains, valleys and everything in between.
Browse Canberra events

The Future Unfolds | Faith Kerehona 2023
This exhibition, The Future Unfolds, will showcase co-created artworks by Faith Kerehona and other artists/participants from all ages and stages of life

Zero Waste: Doing It Imperfectly | Nancy Lane 2023
Since finding her first drawer on the street a few years ago, Nancy Lane has been contemplating different 'drawer' projects

Nara-Canberra: 30 years of friendship 2023
This exhibition, developed by the Committee in collaboration with Canberra Museum and Galley (CMAG), celebrates 30 years of friendship and cultural exchange between the sister cities of Nara, in Japan, and Canberra

Threatened Species Open Photographic Exhibition 2023
National Threatened Species Day is an opportunity to shine a light on Australia's at-risk native plants and animals, and celebrate the many important conservation activities being undertaken by scientists and the community to protect these species and their habitats

Flashback: Fresh Funk Retrospective Exhibition 2023
A special look at Tuggeranong Art Centre's flagship program and Canberra's leading hip-hop dance school

White-out: upcycled sheets to shirts from CIT Fashion School 2023
From textile waste to fashion

Guns & Flowers. eX de Medici | Sidney Nolan 2023
Guns and flowers represent two extremes
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