Expired Events in Perth

Perched on the banks of the wide Swan River, between the Indian Ocean and the sands of the Nullarbor Desert, Perth is one of the world's most isolated cities, yet still boasts an active beach scene and smokin' nightlife. Family-friendly Cottesloe is brimming with swimmers, surfers and snorkelers. Head north to Scarborough for a spirited beachside club scene. Coo at cute marsupials on ferry-accessible Rottnest Island, and don't miss the views from King's Park and Botanic Gardens.

Browse Expired Perth events

Recommended for children aged 10 to 16 years.Learn the art of weaving with Aboriginal weaver and artist, Lea Taylor. Par...


Weaving with Lea Taylor 2021

Recommended for children aged 10 to 16 years.Learn the art of weaving with Aboriginal weaver and artist, Lea Taylor. Par...

Visit Australia's first and only video game console museum. This is a chance to learn all about the history of video gam...


Open the Box Day at Nostalgia Box 2021

Visit Australia's first and only video game console museum. This is a chance to learn all about the history of video gam...

Cook up a storm with Marissa from Bindi Bindi dreaming and learn how traditional herbs and spices were used before 1829....


Aboriginal Bushfood Cooking 2021

Cook up a storm with Marissa from Bindi Bindi dreaming and learn how traditional herbs and spices were used before 1829....

Have you ever been intrigued by the pipe organ? This is your opportunity to come along and have a try. If you play piano...


Play the King of Instruments at Wesley Church 2021

Have you ever been intrigued by the pipe organ? This is your opportunity to come along and have a try. If you play piano...

Youth Week WA KickstART Festival is a week-long state wide celebration of young creatives aged between 12 - 26. KickstAR...


Youth Week WA 2021

Youth Week WA KickstART Festival is a week-long state wide celebration of young creatives aged between 12 - 26. KickstAR...

Celebrating 150 years since Wesley Church was opened in 1870. It is one of the few remaining 19th century colonial build...


Recitals for the People at Wesley Church 2021

Celebrating 150 years since Wesley Church was opened in 1870. It is one of the few remaining 19th century colonial build...

Join us at the Buddha's Birthday & Multicultural Festival, organized by Fo Guang Shan worldwide in celebration of the bi...


Buddah's Birthday and Multicultural Festival 2021

Join us at the Buddha's Birthday & Multicultural Festival, organized by Fo Guang Shan worldwide in celebration of the bi...

The City of Perth Festival of Sail is back again in 2021. A great family friendly spectator event, with several differen...


Festival of Sail 2021

The City of Perth Festival of Sail is back again in 2021. A great family friendly spectator event, with several differen...

Alanis Morissette is bringing her 2021 World Tour celebrating 25 years of 'Jagged Little Pill' to Perth. Since 1995, Ala...


Alanis Morissette 2021

Alanis Morissette is bringing her 2021 World Tour celebrating 25 years of 'Jagged Little Pill' to Perth. Since 1995, Ala...

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