Tag: Arts

Tag: Arts events

In partnership with the National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea (NAA), the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) Australia pr...


Archetypes: A Special Exhibition of Contemporary Art 2023

In partnership with the National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea (NAA), the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) Australia pr...

The Society of Arts and Crafts NSW has a long history, dating back to 1906. Through comradeship and mutual respect of fe...


Explore the Surface: works by members of Craft NSW 2023

The Society of Arts and Crafts NSW has a long history, dating back to 1906. Through comradeship and mutual respect of fe...

The National Art School is proud to present Radiance: the art of Elisabeth Cummings, a spectacular exhibition celebratin...


Radiance: The Art of Elisabeth Cummings 2023

The National Art School is proud to present Radiance: the art of Elisabeth Cummings, a spectacular exhibition celebratin...

Lego printing workshop with Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios.Combining the fun of play and our love of printing, thi...


Lego printmaking workshop 2023

Lego printing workshop with Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios.Combining the fun of play and our love of printing, thi...

Passage is thrilled to present our latest commission by internationally renowned artist Michaela Gleave 'The sky continu...


The sky continues beneath our feet' by Michaela Gleave 2023

Passage is thrilled to present our latest commission by internationally renowned artist Michaela Gleave 'The sky continu...

Celebrate the spirit of the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age.


The Avon Descent 2023

Celebrate the spirit of the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age.

The exhibition traces the disruptive impact of the influx of European émigré artists who arrived in Adelaide around 1950...


Adelaide Mid-Century Moderns: Émigres, mavericks and progressives 2023

The exhibition traces the disruptive impact of the influx of European émigré artists who arrived in Adelaide around 1950...

Are you looking for 'Things To Do' ideas?

Check out what's on in: February, March, April, May, June, July
Check out what's on in: New York, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane


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