Tag: Ceramics

Tag: Ceramics events

Block Ink vs Slab BuildingOften drawing inspiration from dreams- Sara Buchner (SilvesterArt) creates small- uncomplicate...


Sara Buchner 2021

Block Ink vs Slab BuildingOften drawing inspiration from dreams- Sara Buchner (SilvesterArt) creates small- uncomplicate...

Adelaide-based ceramicist Kirsten Coelho works in porcelain- producing reduction fired forms and vessels that fuse the p...


Kirsten Coelho: The Return 2021

Adelaide-based ceramicist Kirsten Coelho works in porcelain- producing reduction fired forms and vessels that fuse the p...

The KI 2021 Art Exhibition is the largest, most diverse art show on an island which arguably hosts more artists and exhi...


2021 Kangaroo Island Easter Art Exhibition - Rescheduled

The KI 2021 Art Exhibition is the largest, most diverse art show on an island which arguably hosts more artists and exhi...

We are excited to announce that our term 1 holiday ClayCamp starting the 7th of April- is now available to book!Perfect ...


School Holiday Clay Camp 2021

We are excited to announce that our term 1 holiday ClayCamp starting the 7th of April- is now available to book!Perfect ...

Silver traces is an exhibition of cameraless images inspired by 19th century photography- science and botanical artists....


Silver traces exhibition 2021

Silver traces is an exhibition of cameraless images inspired by 19th century photography- science and botanical artists....

Follow your own Art Month Sydney treasure map and explore the galleries of Chippendale and Redfern from 3pm - 7pm:1. Art...


Chippendale & Redfern Art at Night 2021

Follow your own Art Month Sydney treasure map and explore the galleries of Chippendale and Redfern from 3pm - 7pm:1. Art...

Janet DeBoos | Wendy TeakelIntersections will present new works by respected ceramic artist Janet DeBoos and contemporar...


Intersections 2001

Janet DeBoos | Wendy TeakelIntersections will present new works by respected ceramic artist Janet DeBoos and contemporar...

Icons' is a new exhibition by the ceramic and photo media artist Mick Guthrie.Opening Celebration: Wednesday 7th April ...


Art Exhibition Opening: Icons by Mick Guthrie 2021

Icons' is a new exhibition by the ceramic and photo media artist Mick Guthrie.Opening Celebration: Wednesday 7th April ...

Buy direct from Australian designers and makers at The Coal Loader Centre.Meet the Makers: One-off leather bags- Freshwa...


Designers On Show 2021

Buy direct from Australian designers and makers at The Coal Loader Centre.Meet the Makers: One-off leather bags- Freshwa...

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