Tag: Choir
Tag: Choir events

Lunchtime Lecture: Composing From the Heart 2021
Join us for this webinar with music composer Sam Weiss- who will share his deeply personal compositional journey and pro...

Garden of the Soul 2021
At a time when lockdowns and isolation have given us pause to delve deep inside ourselves- and with the natural world in...

Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir presents Stronger Together 2021
Following a year of lockdown where choirs could not sing together- Sydney Gay & Lesbian Choir is delighted to be able to...

CREATION banner making workshops 2021
With avid sewer & crafter Kasi Albert and artist Deborah Kelly- you will be developing the iconography of CREATION - a n...

Bach In The Dark and The Choir of St James' 2021
Bach in the Dark is an unconventional concert series run by cellist Rachel Scott. Pre-COVID- it used to be in the Crypt ...

A Migrant's Son with Michaela Burger 2021
Only Sydney performances! Igniting memories of a story that millions of Australians can relate to- Michaela Burger [Afte...

Coro Austral presents 'Musica Gloriosa' 2021
Sydney's specialist Spanish and Latin American a cappella choir- Coro Austral is back! Artistic Director Margot McLaughl...
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