Tag: Choir
Tag: Choir events

Evita Manji at Phoenix Central Park 2023
Evita Manji is a visionary musician and vocalist who fearlessly traverses the boundaries of musical genres and artistic ...

With One Voice community sing-along 2023
With One Voice is a national network of community-run choirs that brings together people from all walks of life through ...

Christmas at the Mortlock 2023
Visit the Mortlock Chamber and see the giant Christmas tree.

Willoughby Symphony Orchestra: The Magic of Christmas 2023
Join us for a heart-warming and enchanting musical celebration as we bring you an unforgettable evening filled with the ...

QVB Christmas Choirs 2023
Experience the magic of Christmas with a unique and exciting new music program within the centre this holiday season.The...

Elevate the Stage 2023
On International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), a unique FREE concert featuring some of Australia's top artists, with and without disability, live on stage in Sydney
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