Tag: Exhibition

Tag: Exhibition events

Since its inception at the Anglican Church Grammar School in 1987, the churchie emerging art prize has sought to identif...


The Churchie Emerging Art Prize 2023

Since its inception at the Anglican Church Grammar School in 1987, the churchie emerging art prize has sought to identif...

An exhibition of rarely seen monumental tapestries by celebrated Australian artist Arthur Boyd are on display at The Dav...


Arthur Boyd: The Life of Saint Francis 2023

An exhibition of rarely seen monumental tapestries by celebrated Australian artist Arthur Boyd are on display at The Dav...

Home is where the heart is and we can't wait to help you make yours the best it can be in 2023.With hundreds of innovati...


Perth Home Show 2023

Home is where the heart is and we can't wait to help you make yours the best it can be in 2023.With hundreds of innovati...

The security landscape has evolved. Integrating physical security with new technologies and thinking is now more imperat...


Security Exhibition & Conference 2023

The security landscape has evolved. Integrating physical security with new technologies and thinking is now more imperat...

From offices to stages, homes to retail, AV innovation has reimagined our world. Experience the transformative nature of...


Integrate 2023

From offices to stages, homes to retail, AV innovation has reimagined our world. Experience the transformative nature of...

With a background in fashion photography, Lobaczewski channelled his creative lens into painting contemporary abstract w...


Jardan presents Henryk 'Bold Strokes' Exhibition 2023

With a background in fashion photography, Lobaczewski channelled his creative lens into painting contemporary abstract w...

The convict women who lived and worked in the Parramatta Female Factory are revealed in the exhibition in the Lucas Gallery of Hambledon Cottage Museum.


Convict Ladies of the Female Factory 2023

The convict women who lived and worked in the Parramatta Female Factory are revealed in the exhibition in the Lucas Gallery of Hambledon Cottage Museum.

The exhibition jointly organized by China Cultural Centre in Sydney and Sydney Branch of China Construction Bank presents over 60 representative paintings created by Ren Jianguo, Ren Guozhong and Ren Lihong in recent years.


Profound·Lasting - Painting Exhibition from Ren Jianguo, Ren Guozhong and Ren Lihong 2023

The exhibition jointly organized by China Cultural Centre in Sydney and Sydney Branch of China Construction Bank presents over 60 representative paintings created by Ren Jianguo, Ren Guozhong and Ren Lihong in recent years.

Are you looking for 'Things To Do' ideas?

Check out what's on in: December, January, February, March, April, May
Check out what's on in: New York, Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane


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