Tag: Humanity

Tag: Humanity events

Regardless of one's culture or religion, ritual has an increasingly important role to play in our material and fast -pas...


Shapeshifting through the forces of ritual, voice & activism 2023

Regardless of one's culture or religion, ritual has an increasingly important role to play in our material and fast -pas...

Shakespeare's most haunting thriller follows the story of Macbeth, a Scottish general, famed for his exploits on the battlefield.


Macbeth 2023

Shakespeare's most haunting thriller follows the story of Macbeth, a Scottish general, famed for his exploits on the battlefield.

The Art Syndicate is excited to present Wanting To See, an exhibition of works by contemporary American photographers Ky...


Wanting To See: A World Pride 2023 Group Showcase

The Art Syndicate is excited to present Wanting To See, an exhibition of works by contemporary American photographers Ky...

As a World Heritage Site, Kew Gardens is now known as a 'place of outstanding universal value to the whole of humanity'.


A Decade at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2023

As a World Heritage Site, Kew Gardens is now known as a 'place of outstanding universal value to the whole of humanity'.

On the search for unique art forms or relaxing things to do at home? Join Rehana Usman at this online class and discover...


Learn Indonesian Batik for Beginners 2023

On the search for unique art forms or relaxing things to do at home? Join Rehana Usman at this online class and discover...

Welcome to the unexpectedly beautiful interior of Snuff Puppets' ornate 14-metre giant inflatable spectacle, Cochlear.


Cochlear Snuff Puppets 2023

Welcome to the unexpectedly beautiful interior of Snuff Puppets' ornate 14-metre giant inflatable spectacle, Cochlear.

Since it opened 30 years ago, hundreds of thousands of people from different walks of life have come to the Sydney Jewis...


Sydney Jewish Museum high-tech Holocaust Survivor Exhibition 2022

Since it opened 30 years ago, hundreds of thousands of people from different walks of life have come to the Sydney Jewis...

A Dancing Freedom & We Are The Universe DancingSPECIAL EVENT:An invitation to come together in sacred circleand journey ...


Earth Medicine: Cacao Ceremony 2022

A Dancing Freedom & We Are The Universe DancingSPECIAL EVENT:An invitation to come together in sacred circleand journey ...

A book about humanity as much as sport. It's like sitting at the kitchen table with your best mate and he's pouring his...


Mat Rogers in conversation with Malcolm Knox 2022

A book about humanity as much as sport. It's like sitting at the kitchen table with your best mate and he's pouring his...

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