Tag: Mosaics
Tag: Mosaics events

Summer School Holiday Program: The Art Of Pompeii 2025
OverviewTravel back in time and explore the artwork of ancient Pompeii in this drop-in art session during these school h...

Hanging by a Thread - Mosaics for Afghan Women 2024
Part of the Hanging by a Thread project, this project aims to raise awareness of the plight of Afghan women and girls and involves over 1,200 experienced and amateur mosaic artists from 46 countries

Quest 2023
An endurance performance by Noula Diamantopoulos.An interactive one on one experience with the artist that will explore ...

Adelaide Mosaic Lamp Making Workshops 2023
Create the mosaic lamp of your dreams in just one two-hour workshop with Adelaide's most iconic mosaic lamp-making exper...

Adelaide Turkish Lamp Making Workshops 2023
Turkish mosaic lamp workshops in Adelaide with the home of Turkish arts and crafts in Australia - Love in Istanbul

Dirk Lejeune Timber Mosaics 2001
A sculptural feast of three dimensional decorative wood mosaics by Dirk Lejeune.Inspired by his fascination of the Austr...

Siblings - Botanic Inspirations 2022
An exhibition celebrating the connection of siblings to nature, strengthened by shared interests and practices. The exhi...
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