Tag: Race
Tag: Race events

Melbourne to Warrnambool Classic 2021
The historic Melbourne to Warrnambool Classic is a cycling race that traverses the south-west region of Victoria

Alexander Thorpe on Death Leaves the Station 2021
Join Alexander Thorpe as he takes you on a journey through his writing process and the inspiration for his debut crime n...

Slanted Theatre Presents Ching Chong Chinaman" 2021"
Ching Chong Chinaman is a brash- outlandish exploration of identity- race- assimilation- and what it means to be a famil...

Australia Day lunch cruises 2021
Our national day on Sydney Harbour might be a little different this year with some events like the Ferrython and Tall Sh...

Out Of This World: Australia In The Space Age 2020
Welcome to the dawn of the space age. From the 1950s through to the 1970s- Australia was gripped with excitement as huma...

Sponsors Day At Thoroughbred Park 2021
Thoroughbred Park Canberra Racing Club- home of horse racing in the capital conducts 25 meetings a year- including the M...

Sponsors Day Thoroughbred Park 2021
Thoroughbred Park Canberra Racing Club- home of horse racing in the capital conducts 25 meetings a year- including the M...
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