Tag: Science
Tag: Science events
OzGrav 2022
Merging art, science, and technology, OzGrav's latest work on display in a Docklands shopfront illustrates the nature of...
Future Science Talks Sydney 2022
Hear from a range of new and emerging scientists and scientific workers about how their research and projects are likely...
XXXIV International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology 2022
The International Academy of Pathology is the largest professional body of pathologists worldwide and the 2022 World Con...
Richard Dawkins 2023
World-renowned evolutionary biologist, author, and public intellectual, Richard Dawkins, makes his highly anticipated re...
Iafs 2023
This event has been postponed until 20 - 24 November 2023. For more information, please contact the event organiser via ...
The image maker workshop 2022
Create the life you want!Prosper in sales, build a new business, and change careers.No matter what you're striving for, ...
Citizen science: Conservation on iNaturalist 2022
Science curator Thomas Mesaglio will show us how to use iNaturalist, a social network that allows anyone, general public...
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