Tag: Science

Tag: Science events

Join us for this webinar with Dr Simon Holloway who will discuss the diverse Jewries of interwar Poland.The Second Polis...


Lunchtime lecture: The Jews of Interwar Poland 2021

Join us for this webinar with Dr Simon Holloway who will discuss the diverse Jewries of interwar Poland.The Second Polis...

The Lighthouse beckons young people and their adults to explore the endless wonders of light. This immersive promenade p...


The Lighthouse 2021

The Lighthouse beckons young people and their adults to explore the endless wonders of light. This immersive promenade p...

This captivating exhibition from the British Museum explores the triumphs, conquests and epic tales found throughout Anc...


Ancient Greeks: Athletes- Warriors and Heroes 2021

This captivating exhibition from the British Museum explores the triumphs, conquests and epic tales found throughout Anc...

Ever wanted to make your own pickles? Autumn is the perfect time to master old-fashioned pickling.Join us for a fun even...


Pickling secrets of the Middle East 2021

Ever wanted to make your own pickles? Autumn is the perfect time to master old-fashioned pickling.Join us for a fun even...

The age of zero carbon is coming- but the question remains: will it be fast enough to mitigate the worst impacts of the ...


Zero carbon world 2021

The age of zero carbon is coming- but the question remains: will it be fast enough to mitigate the worst impacts of the ...

Food is essential for life- but the global systems we rely on to feed us have become increasingly complex and industrial...


Space Weather and the Path to Mars 2021

Food is essential for life- but the global systems we rely on to feed us have become increasingly complex and industrial...

Necessity is the mother of invention. The supersonic development of several highly-effective Covid-19 vaccines has shown...


Future medicine 2021

Necessity is the mother of invention. The supersonic development of several highly-effective Covid-19 vaccines has shown...

There is Wildlife all around us- and it needs our help. Join us for this free event with Ecology Project Officer Viveca ...


Caring for wildlife in urbanised areas workshop 2021

There is Wildlife all around us- and it needs our help. Join us for this free event with Ecology Project Officer Viveca ...

Web talk open to the public with a group viewing at First Church of Christ- Scientist- Sydney- 295 Broadway- (cnr Derwen...


Find innocence: powerful not vulnerable by Brian Pennix 2021

Web talk open to the public with a group viewing at First Church of Christ- Scientist- Sydney- 295 Broadway- (cnr Derwen...

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