Tag: Science

Tag: Science events

Creation is a crowd-sourced faith- facing the climate crisis with collective creativity. Developed with audiences throug...


CREATION solstice performance 2021

Creation is a crowd-sourced faith- facing the climate crisis with collective creativity. Developed with audiences throug...

From 8th -14th July- 2021 the Shop Gallery presents new works by Jane Noel- Julie Cunningham- Joel Cunningham and Joe Ka...


Points of Departure group show 2021

From 8th -14th July- 2021 the Shop Gallery presents new works by Jane Noel- Julie Cunningham- Joel Cunningham and Joe Ka...

Art and science collide as artists investigate the natural world around them.See this travelling exhibition at the Natio...


Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize 2001

Art and science collide as artists investigate the natural world around them.See this travelling exhibition at the Natio...

With avid sewer & crafter Kasi Albert and artist Deborah Kelly- you will be developing the iconography of CREATION - a n...


CREATION banner making workshops 2021

With avid sewer & crafter Kasi Albert and artist Deborah Kelly- you will be developing the iconography of CREATION - a n...

Over 3 sessions- participants will learn and adapt a collaborative choreography led by renowned dance artist Angela Goh ...


CREATION dance workshops 2021

Over 3 sessions- participants will learn and adapt a collaborative choreography led by renowned dance artist Angela Goh ...

Hear from a panel of experienced researchers and entrepreneurs as they debate- discuss- and plan Sydney's present and fu...


Building a strong quantum industry for Sydney 2021

Hear from a panel of experienced researchers and entrepreneurs as they debate- discuss- and plan Sydney's present and fu...

Would you like to taste and learn more about some of the best Penfolds Wines?Four amazing Penfolds wines paired with del...


Penfolds Autumn Wine Tasting at City Tatts 2021

Would you like to taste and learn more about some of the best Penfolds Wines?Four amazing Penfolds wines paired with del...

What can Aboriginal astronomy tell us about the night sky? How is our native flora used in bush medicine? How do Indigen...


Indigenous Science Experience at Redfern 2021

What can Aboriginal astronomy tell us about the night sky? How is our native flora used in bush medicine? How do Indigen...

The reel celluloid film experience is back at Dendy Newtown! Enjoy our glorious 35mm presentation of true cinema - from ...


The Silence of the Lambs: 35mm sreening 2021

The reel celluloid film experience is back at Dendy Newtown! Enjoy our glorious 35mm presentation of true cinema - from ...

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