Tag: Science
Tag: Science events

Christian Science: a clearer view of you 2020
A web talk- by Lyle Young- CSB- from Ottawa- Canada- available on big screens at Christian Science Church- Glebe- with social distancing and Covid-19 registration.Mary Baker Eddy- who founded the Christian Science church- had a profound insight into the nature of God as infinite Love. She perceived that God is the only substance- intelligence and Life of the universe- without the opposition typically ascribed to darkness or evil. Moreover- Eddy realised that this was the basis of Jesus' healing works.Such an unusual theology might have ended as a footnote to history- except that Eddy and her students boldly used it to reinvigorate Christianity and its lost element of healing. Since then- some 65-000 accounts of healing have been verified and published - healings of everything from cancer to AIDS to blindness- from drug addiction to broken bones.To the degree that we understand our identity as purely spiritual - knowing that each of us shines- now and eternally- as a unique expression of infinite Love - we experience healing. The result is wellness- opportunity- spiritual progress- and the highest degree of joy.Lyle Young- CSB is a Christian Science practitioner- teacher and lecturer. A deep and broad love motivates Lyle- a love of God- of the ideas in the Bible and in the published writings of Mary Baker Eddy. His love and affection for humanity is expressed in a keen interest in cultures- languages- history- the arts- and sports. Lyle runs and swims regularly and is a four-season cyclist. The latter sport relates to his support for the environment.

Adobe Photoshop online workshop: Laser cut design and stamps 2020
Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop to prepare your own artwork or design that we'll laser cut for you.Led by an experienced facilitator over Zoom- these fun interactive workshops are a great introduction to the popular Adobe Photoshop software. Choose from 2 different workshops to design your own laser cut stamp or artwork.In each workshop you'll be guided through how to prepare your existing image or design using Photoshop. Once you're happy with your final design- we'll laser cut or etch it for you at our Darling Square Library makerspace. You'll receive your design by mail after the workshop to either hang on the wall or stamp with ink or paint.Over the 2-hours- we'll also give you a tour of the makerspace so you can see the laser cutter and 3D printers in action.What you'll learn Basic digital design using Adobe PhotoshopHow to navigate the user interface and import images Tools including colour manipulation- image correction and filters to prepare your image for laser cutting Basic laser cutting and 3D printing processesWorkshop format Interactive workshop using Zoom led by an experienced facilitatorMaximum 10 people - bookings are requiredSuitable for ages 16 and overParticipants under 18 years of age require parental permissionBeginner workshop with no required knowledge Laser cut designsTuesday 27 October- 4pm to 6pmTuesday 24 November- 1pm to 3pmLaser cut stamp designTuesday 10 November- 4pm to 6pmTuesday 8 December- 4pm to 6pmBefore the workshopPlease read your booking confirmation carefully for instructions on how to join the workshop.You'll need to install Zoom and Adobe Photoshop on your own laptop or computer before the workshop and internet connection and an email address to use to send your file. Zoom is free to download and Photoshop is available on a plan or a 7 day free trial from Adobe online.Cost and inclusionsThe workshop cost is $30 per person which includes professional laser cutting of your design on plywood by City of Sydney and postage to your nominated address. Designs are laser cut up to a maximum size of 15cm x 10cm.Facilitator: Albert OngAlbert is a cofounder of Tinkery- an educational electronics supplier and electronics design consultancy. He has a background in mechatronics engineering and biotechnology- with an expertise in human interaction- augmentation and emerging technologies. Albert teaches at the University of Technology- Sydney across a number of faculties- including Engineering and IT- Science- Design- and Transdisciplinary Innovation.Explore other City of Sydney online workshops and events.  

Tinkertank membership 2020
Next school holidays- prepare your child for the future with our unique STEAM program for kids in Sydney!Designed for kids ages 5 to 12- our program teaches students essential tools for the future which they are unlikely to learn at school. Our interdisciplinary approach to learning combined with project-based- hands-on learning experiences helps kids gain knowledge and competency in hard and soft skills they need to pursue careers in science- technology- engineering- arts and mathematics.Kids will also hone their skills in creative thinking- problem-solving- collaboration and critical thinking. Our program also harnesses children's creativity to complete awesome projects in coding- robotics- 3D printing- animation- design and media. Our Program StructureWhen your child first comes in- we'll go on a journey through a series of introductory lessons. After the first few sessions- your child will create a 'playlist' of activities planned out for a couple of weeks. Each week- we'll work through the playlist to learn new skills with a TinkerTank mentor.Being a member gives your child access to classes- mentors and our upcoming learning platform.For more information- check out our website.

Sydney Ideas: Charging ahead with clean energy 2020
The science and economics tells us sustainable energy alternatives make sense. So- what's the missing link in the path to a clean and prosperous future? Hear from leading scientists- a City of Sydney Councillor and the NSW Minister for Energy and Environment.Targets- safeguards and the future: these concepts feel abstract and far away. But the reality is- we have the technology solutions at hand- to drive the direction of where we're heading.We know why we need a sustainable future- and this discussion brings together a spectrum of perspectives- to show how this is achievable.Matt Kean MP- NSW Minister for Energy and Environment- offers perspective into the economic impacts and benefits of investing in alternative energy sources. Professor Anita Ho-Baillie- John Hooke Chair of Nanoscience and a world leader in perovskite solar energy cells- shares insights into solar photovoltaic research and its potential to produce cost-effective ways of energy generation. The research that Professor Ho-Baillie is leading at the University was also awarded 2.5 million federal fundingProfessor Thomas Maschmeyer presents a case study on gelated zinc bromide batteries. An Australian breakthrough- this technology is scalable- affordable and safe.Linda Scott- President of Local Government NSW (LGNSW) and City of Sydney Councillor- will talk about sustainability at a local level and community engagement.Dr Tanya Fiedler from the University of Sydney Business School moderates this discussion. Dr Fiedler played a key role in the development of the University's Sustainability Strategy.Booking available here.

Perfume Walk 2020
Spend a unique and memorable Saturday afternoon in the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney unravelling the mysteries of perfume while exploring the most fragrant plants found in the Garden.Join perfume consultant Catherine du Peloux Menage- who will discuss the sense of smell- the science of scent- the history of perfume- and the creation of some of the most famous perfumes ever produced. Catherine has developed a practice as a scent stylist- speaker- and writer on perfume and the sense of smell- speaking on everything from the history of perfume to historical scents and stinks in the works of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens.The talk will be complemented by a walk through the Garden with our expert guides exploring the natural scents of the Garden- learning how plants use scents to attract pollinators and examining famous scents in the Garden including peppermint- lemon myrtle- lavender- patchouli- and more.This is the second annual Perfume Walk following last year's sold-out event. Book now to avoid disappointment!Includes afternoon tea. 

Earth Matters Rethink the Future 2020
Scitech's new exhibition, Earth Matters: Rethink the Future, is a multisensory experience exploring
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