Tag: Space
Tag: Space events

Yoga: Deep restorative relaxation with nature 2021
Allow the body to unwind and relax during this gentle restorative class. Practices include simple- easy stretches (which...

On creativity 2021
How can we nurture innovation and creativity to rise to the challenges of the 21st century- and allow space for creative...

Artist in Focus: Janet Tavener 2021
MAY SPACE Online has had the pleasure of representing Sydney-based phtoographer Janet Tavener's bodies of work since 201...

Miriam Innes: Grandiose Paris 2021
MAY SPACE Online is proud to present a new online exhibition by Miriam Innes- Grandiose Paris!Miriam Innes is an Irish a...

Fun free Zoom dance classes for kids 2021
Hosted by Sydney Calisthenics join our fun and free cali-dance classes. Something fun to break up our lockdown weekends....

Live Drawing with Miriam Innes 2021
MAY SPACE Online is proud to present Miriam Innes with her exhibition Grandiose Paris! this September.To coincide with h...

Year 4-6 the portal drama workshop 2021
One boring night in the school holidays a strange glowing light appears in the distance. You and your friends follow it ...
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