Tag: Stories
Tag: Stories events

Jayne Tuttle in conversation with Linda Jaivin 2022
Her writing is pitch-perfect and pacy - very, very funny at times, and raw and affecting at others,' wrote The Saturday...

Stop Motion Animation with Dinalie Dabarera (Ages 7-9) 2022
In this workshop, participants will learn stop motion animation and storytelling techniques, facilitated by Dinalie Daba...

Libby O'Donovan - Sister Elizabeth 2022
Libby O'Donovan OAM is a nun. After a rebellious act involving prefixes, and a joke played on a humourless institution, she is Sister Elizabeth.

100 Climate Conversations: Laura Parker 2022
Both a food source and great natural filters of our waterways, Australia's east coast oysters are vulnerable to today's ...

Camping 101 (spring 2022)
A nature-filled night of camping and outdoor activities is easy and fun at Centennial Parklands. This authentic camping ...

Children's Day: Gods, goddesses and ancient Greek myth 2022
Perfect for kids aged 5-12, travel back in time to Ancient Greece with the Chau Chak Wing Museum. Join the Chau Chak Win...

Anna Piper Scott: Such an Inspiration 2022
Touring HubThere's only 3 stories they ever tell about trans women - punchline, villain or victim. Are you ready for a f...
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