Tag: Travel
Tag: Travel events

Tasty Trivia food and drink quiz 2021
If you love food & drink - you will love this deliciously- interactive food & drink quiz! Guests always know more than t...

Push-Pull 2021
Kinetic sound artist Mimi Kind will be premiering her installation 'Push-Pull' at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery in Camperd...

Soiree Musicale at City Tatts 2021
This is your incredible invitation to a Soiree Musicale featuring world class soprano Clarissa Spata- the Sydney Symphon...

VR Theme Park - School Holidays Fun 2021
VR Quest is hosting a night out for everyone to enjoy an immersive gaming experience. Come and bring your friends- kids....

[Sold Out] An evening with Pappy 2021
It's that time of year again for An evening with Pappy! Every year we try and add a little more to the line-up- we don't...

HP Boyz 2021
HP Boyz are an independent Australian Hip Hop group from Melbourne. The band comprises of: YJ- Mways and Onit. They star...

The 7 comedians show 2021
Do you feel like having a really fun- great night out that's excellent value for money?Why should you come along to our ...
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