Eat, Party, Sleep, Repeat
Stephanie events

Global Fusion - Into the Light 2022
Experience a culture rich in music, movement and colour - 'Into the Light'.

Meditation at the Museum - WellFest Adelaide 2022
Take art gazing to a whole new level by enjoying a guided meditation amidst the breathtaking images of the "2022 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year exhibition".

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience 2022
Basil, Manuel and Sybil are in town - and they're bringing a healthy dose of mayhem to your door.

A Cup of the Curious 2022
The exhibition, which has been proudly created over 10 months by more than 75 artists across 14 Multicap Community Hubs in Queensland, will feature visual art installations, film, live performances, i

Blackout The Show 2022
Blackout combines the power of theatre with the world of modern circus, featuring Australia's finest singers and dancers, street performers, and the cool kids from circus school.

Kuwaii and Imakestagram 2022
As part of MFW, Melbourne stalwart slow fashion brand Kuwaii has teamed up with tinsel maven, independent designer and artist Rachel Burke (imakestagram) to prove that waste is not a dirty word.
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