Eat, Party, Sleep, Repeat
Stephanie events

The Basement By Theatreroo's Nye Party 2021
Ring in the New Year with THEATREROO! Join us at The Basement for good music, dancing, and lots of fun as we say goodbye to 2021 and hello to 2022.

Qld Pops Nye Masquerade Gala Concerts 2021
The Queensland Pops is thrilled to present a New Year's Eve concert for the 37th consecutive year

Burnie Lilium Show 2022
The 2022 Burnie Lilium Show will be held at the Burnie Arts and Function Centre.

Hair Of The Dog 2022
Shake off all the hangovers and old habits of 2021 with a new years party at Spring Bay Mill.

HARK Christmas Carols with The Song Company 2021
HARK! - The Song Company, Australia's national professional vocal ensemble, brings a much-needed dose of Christmas cheer to communities in Sydney.

Gel Nail Art Class 2021
Join their short nail art course in Sydney and learn how to do beautiful gel nail art designs at a luxury Japanese nail salon!

Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Workshop 2021
Canberra (Ainslie) Toastmasters is conducting a public speaking and presentation skills workshop
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