Canberra Upnext Team
Hey, Canberra crowd! I’m your dedicated UpNext scout, canvassing all corners of the capital to uncover the deals you can't afford to miss. From Fyshwick markets to the latest exhibit at the National Gallery, I'm on the ground, bringing you the best of Canberra's shopping, dining, and culture. Whether you're looking for insider tips on where to find designer threads or the coziest spots for a flat white, my finds are bound to add value to your day. Keep up with my discoveries and join a community passionate about the hidden treasures and the unbeatable bargains our city offers. Dive into my world on Instagram @UpnextCanberra, where I post the latest buzz, the hottest sales, and the best-kept secrets of Canberra living. Follow along and make the most of your city adventures with the exclusive insights from UpNext.
Canberra Upnext Team events

Flashback: Fresh Funk Retrospective Exhibition 2023
A special look at Tuggeranong Art Centre's flagship program and Canberra's leading hip-hop dance school

White-out: upcycled sheets to shirts from CIT Fashion School 2023
From textile waste to fashion

Guns & Flowers. eX de Medici | Sidney Nolan 2023
Guns and flowers represent two extremes

Capturing Canberra - CMAG's Press Photography Collection 2023
Capturing Canberra showcases CMAG's previously unexhibited Press Photography Collection
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