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Learn Zentangle art 2021
The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn fun and relaxing way to create beautiful images by drawing structured- repeated...

Make Chinese dumplings at home 2021
Do you love Chinese dumplings and want to learn how to master them in your own kitchen? Join us for a live streaming dum...

The Art of Making Gnocchi at Home 2021
Making good gnocchi is an art! So come and learn how to make the perfect fluffy and soft gnocchi in this live online cla...

Keyna Wilkins with Shane Carpini + The Emerald Ruby 2021
An event by Keyna Wilkins presenting to you her own compositions with special guest Shane Carpini- along with The Emeral...

Chris Dolman performance 2021
Please join us for a performance in the gallery in association with the exhibition 'The door is ajar- The exit a dead en...

Christmas Eve dinner and drinks at Sailmaker Restaurant 2021
Kick the festivities off right with Sailmaker's Christmas Eve Dinner with 2 hour beer and wine package included.Adults: ...

Tayim Christmas Eve dinner & Chistmas Day lunch 2021
Christmas is our favourite time of the year and catching up with family- loved ones and getting social never felt so goo...
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