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Turkish mosaic lamp class 2021
Learn the art of traditional Turkish mosaic making in this two-and-a-half-hour class- where you will learn the technique...

International day of people with disability lunch 2021
Meet 360 member and Paralympic Games Bronze medallist Daniel Michel- and 360 Member Mark McCauley. Hear their experience...

Beginner's Kintsugi at Home 2021
Are you looking for unique things to do at home? Or want a new creative hobby that's super relaxing? Why not try out thi...

DIY Turkish Mosaic Table Lamp 2021
Take an hour out of your day for some 'you time' and join us for a live streaming mosaic class! You'll learn how to crea...

People's Burger Neutral Bay: official launch 2021
People's burger neutral bay official launch party is to celebrate the undying spirit of Sydneysiders who supported us th...

TWC Meet The Artist - Evening Soiree with Keyna Wilkins 2021
The Women's Club invites you for an evening soiree with pioneering Australian-British composer-musician Keyna Wilkins.Ke...

William Crighton 2021
William Crighton returns to the Great Club for what promises to be an evening to remember.Doors at 6.30 pm with our bar ...
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